Monday, April 30, 2007

Me -Is a film star! (Only for the day)

Me phones to see if the film is ready yet!
Action! Me in his latest film.

Me carefully checks the sound to make sure
everyone can hear him.
Next he carefully checks his notes to see what he has to do. Oh dearMe. That is not neat. How can you read it?

Me starts the day with a nice cup of tea, made the way he likes it ,with honey, sugar and a hint of fish.

Sleep-over at Blair's house.

I took Me shopping to Braehead. Me looks like John Travolta. Then straight to the fair where Me hooked a duck. Me was a good driver on the bumper cars.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Easter 2007 By Amber

Me came with me and my family to Fuerteventura for Easter.We played table football and saw some very jaggy cactus.