Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Our firestation visit

Today my class went to the firestation and I went with them. It was very exciting. We saw all the tools which the firemen have in their engine and I even had a shot of the big hose. I hope everyone remembers to take care on bonfire night and the firemen are not too busy. I always take care and never play with fire.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tom's house.

This weekend Me saw his first game of football when he was staying at Tom's house. He had a lovely time and is looking forward to going back soon.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I like reading

Today at school I was reading a book about bears. Reading is really easy now because I know all the sounds, well nearly all of them! I even know ea ai ie ue oi. What a clever bear I am.

healthy eating

This week Me has been thinking about healthy eating at school. The school cook came to tell everyone about different types of food and how they can help us. He has made a pizza with lots of fruit and vegetables on it and he has tasted lots of new food. He found out he likes passion fruit best of all. He heard a story about Handa and then made a picture of her to put on his class' harvest box to take to his school harvest assembly.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Me went to spend the weekend with Bobbi. Read what he did.